Title: Cup of Masala Chai / Medium: Mixed Media pencil colors, acrylic on paper / Size: 18" x 20" / Limited edition as well as photographic prints available for purchase. Contact for inquiry. This painting was made to portray an immigrant who has lived in many different countries and yet has not forgotten their roots! The painting is a reflection of Punjabi culture and tradition. Vaisakhi, the Sikh New Year, is celebrated by the Sikhs around the world on the 14th of April. On this special occasion families and friends get together and enjoy tea (chai) with spices. The tea is usually made by boiling different herbs and spices such as dried rose petals, fennel seeds, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, black tea leaves and milk. The different visual elements featured in this painting are part of the artist's personal visual vocabulary.
Tea is also seen as a caste free beverage as everyone in India regardless of which religion they belong all enjoy tea. It brings the thought of togetherness and unity amongst people. On this day Sikhs celebrate the 10th Guru (Guru Gobind Singh's message of equality, unity and bravery. The Guru (Leader) also had the ability to transform regular human beings into super human beings known as the Khalsa.
Note: Archival Prints last up to 200 years.